Alexandra Klimas’s sketches and drawings are as eloquent as her oil paintings. However, working in charcoal or pencil alone gives them a very unique quality. In the summer, she visits the farms to study her animals, especially the cows in the meadow. Her style of sketching is very quick. In her atelier, she works out some of her sketches into large-format charcoal drawings or oil paintings.
Alexandra: “I like to have my pencil and sketchbook on hand when I am among the cows to observe and get to know the unique personalities of these exquisite animals. As a result, my sketchbooks are full of short pieces of text describing the personalities of each animal. If the wind isn’t too strong in the fields, I take large sheets of drawing paper with me so I can sketch in charcoal.”
“I want to inspire people to pay more attention to the ‘forgotten’ animals that are used for our consumption."
“Ik wil mensen inspireren om met meer aandacht te kijken naar de ‘vergeten’ dieren die voor onze consumptie worden gebruikt."
— Alexandra Klimas